Yankee View Of The British

Yanks can't understand why
The British remain so loyal
And continue to glorify
Their pain, undeniably royal

Yanks can't comprehend why
The English spend their lifetime
With little scotch or rye
Bound in ritual tea-time

Yanks always wonder how
The people known as the British
Have always managed somehow
Keeping the rest of us skittish

Yanks, though, honor their Shakespeare
And other great British writers
Who in this world have no peer
As literary delighters

Yanks find it hard to conceive
They think it's so willy-nilly
That Brits do really believe
The greatness of Piccadilly

Yanks think the Brits are mistaken
For their ravings, so curiously gung-ho
Since Yanks are not visibly shaken
By the British-y site known as Soho

Yanks don't dig cockney dialect
But it's also true of most Brits
It is hard on most cultured intellect
Even Brits think cockney's the pits

Yanks ponder why in Ireland Brits stay
When the Irish favor self rule
The British should keep out of that fray
And end this unfortunate duel

Yanks would never liberty barter
For without it they'd certainly perish
Living with the Brit's Magna Carta
The Irish would allowably cherish

Yanks respect Oxford and Cambridge
Love English bars they abound in
Would enjoy strolling that famed bridge
That bridge once located in London

The Yank views are not only cons
They have pros in their Brit observations
With their friends far over the pond
They represent two wonderful nations

by Stan Cooper...2/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 590 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 14:42

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I am not so sure about the last lines stan, not anymore, but I enjoyed the rest of the poem. They could be great nations, if the Yanks opened their eyes and the Brits took their blinkers off! but at the moment, we are just great liars. but we do have the history and shakespeare! Happy Easter from Tai's Land