
I never had the slightest notion
Why spinsters were so harried
Or why they caused so much commotion
Remaining so unmarried

When a gent a bachelor remains
He is rarely the butt of a frown
If from marrying he abstains
He's seen as a man about town

If a lass wants to live alone
It's not for us to say
Or make her feel she must atone
For choosing her own way

Some people make the inference
Their values are for all
Never accepting difference
They act so dog-gone small

A more congenial world to live in
Creating less despair
Wouldn't be so bigotry driven
With judgements so unfair

It surely is unkind
Poking fun at spinster's lives
With reason you might find
Spinsters wiser then most wives

by Stan Cooper...10/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 595 times
Written on 2007-04-11 at 07:05

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Stan and Don, you two create the most charming things! I really loved this!