A Happy Sinner

I'm devilishly glad to be a sinner
Do-good-ers are dreary kind of folk
Lacking humor, they couldn't be dimmer
They cringe at funny off-beat jokes

Virtuousness is a trait most boring
When transgressing, I feel I'm ten feet tall
Veering off moralities' path's alluring
Righteousness is not for me at all

Sinners are universally disrespected
Do-gooders, deem sinners far below
Wrong-do-ers, are blatantly rejected
For transgressing the moral status quo

With sinning I am absolutely smitten
It be-fits my persona to a T
It keeps me purring like a kitten
'Cause sinning is irresistibly me

by Stan Cooper...2/29/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 633 times
Written on 2007-04-12 at 07:39

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betsy Firefly
How can you be a happy sinner knowing that ypu'll have to pay the price later?