
The art of gossip is not lost, alas
For gossips adept at dishing out sass
Who relish, causing chaotic commotion
As they crudely toy with their victim's emotion

Poking noses into other folks' messes
Stoking flames to cause folks' distresses
Mindlessly spreading rumors and scandals
Gossips are truly ethical vandals

Gossipy bloating the air with their hearsay
Not caring one snitch about those they betray
Sneering joyfully in whispering slander
Smearing their victims with mean propaganda

"It's true to our nature to gossip", some say
Debasing our stature in every which way
Enacting laws banning gossip forever
Would be a most worthy human endeavor

By Stan Cooper...8/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 568 times
Written on 2007-04-16 at 01:32

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