Corporate Chicanery

Corporate malfeasance by C E Os
Lines their pockets with tainted dough
They steal with little or no apprehension
While bursting dreams of workers with pensions

They don't hire accountants just for their looks
But employ accountants who'll doctor the books
Bookkeeping larcenists show inflated earnings
To falsely appeal to stockholder yearnings

Corporate execs who mis-manage so well
Manage to cause their companies death-knell
Paying little for their vast impropriety
Most live in splendor, despite notoriety

Where is the justice for hard working schnooks
Who are defrauded by hard corporate crooks
With thrown away keys, without any bail
Corporate criminals should serve time in jail

By Stan Cooper...7/20/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 595 times
Written on 2007-04-16 at 05:25

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