This poem was written and dedicated lovingly to my granddaughter Alexis and my wife Jeanne who have fallen victim to tattoo-ing tom-ool-ery

Tattoo-ing Tom-fool-ery

Not my idea of fest-oon-ery
Is tattoo-ing fun-stuff car-toon-ery
Etching some roses
On cheeks, arms and noses
I think is purely tom-fool-ery

Don't fall for the tattoo-ers spin
The canvas they use is your skin
If they create in you passion
For their tattoo-ing fashion
They may indelibly cause you chagrin

I write this as an entreaty
As it will truly be a great pity
To allow them to come-up
With tattoos that gum-up
Your body with scarring graffiti

It's beyond my vast comprehension
Why this need for eye-ball attention
I hope it will pass
As a fad that won't last
With an end to my bone of contention

by Stan Cooper...8/25/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 606 times
Written on 2007-04-17 at 04:35

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