Reincarnation By Choice

For those who believe in creation
It wouldn't seem very absurd
Believing in reincarnation
Flying back to earth as a bird

What a wonderful game
A scheme where you choose
To come back just the same
If that's what you'd enthuse

How great to return as a porpoise
Swimming your whole life through
Or even come back as a race horse
To watch all your winnings accrue

I heard a guy who did murmur
He'd come back as a bar of soap
In the shower of Lana Turner
Now there is a guy with some hope!

A weak man in life might delight in
The thought of coming back strong
He'd probably find it excitin'
Feeling he now would belong

Come back, reside in the White House
As the permanent resident
Or compose the music of Strauss
In a life well musically spent

To return to a role more contrasting
Could be fun but dangerous too
Or seek continuity, more lasting
In that good life one might pursue

A rigid conservative fellow
Could choose a more liberal bent
A guy who was most often mellow
Might cease being that kind of a gent

It's wise to try to endeavor
To choose before it's too late
We all know life's not forever
So plan to reincarnate

by Stan Cooper...9/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 827 times
Written on 2007-04-18 at 11:52

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yoonoos peerbocus
a subjective topic but beautifully brought to the end