A Plea For Sanity
Since Bush had no clue
About the right thing to do
He said he'd wait for
Their report on the war
If the course they'd steer him to
Differed from his point of view
All the world knew he'd reject it
He just couldn't accept it
The non-partisan commission studied the facts
Advised a course change to his mess in Iraq
But he's not willing or able to travel that route
Since admitting mistakes, is not his strong suit
Even First Lady Laura newly proclaimed
The fault's not with Dubbyah, "the media's to blame"
The press and T.V., in their reality view
Are too harsh on her husband when stating what's true
Our troops in harms way
Every second, every day
Where in Iraq they're stuck
Thanks to this inane lame duck
America has suffered from this White House brain drain
And needs to return to sanity again
by Stan Cooper...12/14/06 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 588 times
Written on 2007-04-21 at 05:13