Oh, For The Good Old Days

Oh, for the good old days

Of savory cooking scents
Seeping through our kitchen vents
From delicious home-made foods
We fed our loving broods

No MacDonalds, Burger Kings
Gulped fast-foods on the wing
With saturated fat
And indigestion they begat

Healthy dishes our intake
Unprocessed foods is what we ate
When we were more inclined
To stay home and family dine

Oh, for the good old days

by Stan Cooper...5/05 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 661 times
Written on 2007-04-22 at 05:45

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Rob Taylor
I don't know about your house but we cooked with lard and bacon grease when I was growing up and we had fatty meat with every supper....
It was a gret piece but not my memory of food from the 60s and we did have Mc Donald's when I was a kid :)