Nothing To Sneeze About

The symptoms are deleterious
Not something to sneeze about
A condition sneeze-ingly serious
As the season's ragweed sprout

When pollen invades the nasal
It causes sensations galore
The doc's most common appraisal
"Hay fever, we shouldn't ignore"

Linked to a watery rhinitis
With outpourings of ocean dimension
Or a fiery sinusitis
Inflaming unwanted attention

Though crazed as the maddest mad-hatter
We victims sneeze and live through it
Not given much choice in the matter
We tearfully blow and achoo-it

by Stan Cooper...4/16/05 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 573 times
Written on 2007-04-26 at 05:01

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