Flower Of Youth

"The flowers that bloom in the Spring"
Have nothing to do with this rhyme
The flower of youth is the thing
Looking back, we know it's sublime

Flying high as the birds in the sky
It's the time of fun and delightment
Puppy loves and mom's apple pie
Are surely a youngster's entitlement

That time in life, so carefree
Each step, a new beginning
Every minute filled with glee
New tales forever spinning

But time waits for no one forever
Time's motion, all flowers fade
It seems to have this endeavor
Putting flowers of youth in it's shade

While December is approaching
And we're past our mellow seasoning
We can slow old age encroaching
With the flower of youthful reasoning

by Stan Cooper...4/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 578 times
Written on 2007-04-26 at 05:15

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