December Thirty One, 2002

December thirty one, 2 0 0 2
Minutes before the New Year was due
The tv screen, with uncommon glare
Depicted scenes of fireworks flare

From city to city, all scenes alike
Revelers awaiting the twelve o'clock strike
All the worlds cares, seemingly gone
Awaiting the New Year's very first morn

Twelve O'clock struck, the New Year at last
Year 2 0 0 2 was now in the past
"Happy New Year" shouted with joyous galore
Few giving thought to what might be in store

September eleventh has us embroiled
With threat of terror throughout the world
On verge of a war with Iraq's Hussein
"New Year" celebrations to me seemed insane

This ostrich-like pose, of head in the sand
Can't work for me with this threat to our land
"Happy New Year" I'd so love to shout it
But as things stand right now, I fearfully doubt it

How can they cheer and keep a blind eye
To the terror of war, when so many may die
Perhaps it's a way of escaping their fear
By laughing and shouting, "Happy New Year"

By Stan Cooper...12/31/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 605 times
Written on 2007-04-26 at 05:22

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