Momentous Mementos

Momentous Mementos
Is it Latin conjugation
Or short alliteration
What does it mean?

Momentous Mementos
More a correlation
To language dislocation
That borders on obscene

Momentous Mementos
This subject quite so heady
Is anyone quite ready
For a bite of it?

Momentous Mementos
Someone cranial-y unsteady
Writing cranial confetti
Might write of it

Momentous Mementos
Keep-saking collections
Sustaining recollections
In our minds eye

Momentous Mementos
Saved memories to cherish
So memories don't perish
As time flys by

by Stan Cooper...1/17/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 580 times
Written on 2007-04-27 at 18:07

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