
Few things more entice
Then a challenge or a dare
Any goads suffice
Causing me to act with flair

Challenge is a wake-up
For my juices to outpour
Affirming that my make-up
Can never-dares ignore

This super macho trait
Acquired way back when
Attracts me to the bait
Like a worm attracts a hen

I'd like to quit this hen-house
And no more be ensnared
Not to ever be aroused
By a challenge or a dare

A challenge with no point
Or a challenge that's bizarre
Will sadly disappoint
Foolhardy as most are

by Stan Cooper...2/2003 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 610 times
Written on 2007-04-27 at 21:33

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