Naked Truth

Viewing torsos in the raw
Can be source of heightened awe
The allure and mystique
Of the bare-all physique
Tempts most any paramour

No way considered prudish
Peeping toms are quite rude-ish
They spend much of their time
In their peeping tom slime
Being persistently lewd-ish

Most artists, though not perverse
Are rarely ever adverse
To sketching models who pose
Without any clothes
For art or even commerce

Yet, exposure is deemed uncouth
By the old and some of our youth
They're not very daring
When it comes to their baring
Confronting their own Naked Truth

by Stan Cooper...6/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 591 times
Written on 2007-04-28 at 08:14

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M Heathcote
Hi stan

lovely write, enjoyed it all...
especially the peeping toms verse! ;)

Peeping toms are quite rude-ish
They spend much of their time
In their peeping tom slime
Being persistently lewd-ish lol