I've Had It Up To Here
I've had it up to here with politicians
I've had it up to here with all their spin
They lead to more dead-ends than most morticians
Their promises bring nothing but chagrin
I've had it up to here with movie goers
Who yap and yap throughout the movie show
Uncaring, inconsiderate bull throwers
Who loudly act so noisily gung-ho
I've had it up to here with racial bigots
Those hate-filled folk, so certain they're supreme
The flow of hate pours out their odious spigots
I've had it up to here with bigots who demean
Though I'm neither perfect or unflawed
I've had it up to here with those less so
I find it easy never to applaud
All those others who are never apropos
by Stan Cooper....4/18/07 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 590 times
Written on 2007-04-29 at 22:43