
I don't believe there is very much hope
For my writing a poem on CONSTANTINOPE
Of Paris or Venice, or perhaps the Big Apple
I think I could write one with less of a grapple

There's a rumor around, it's on the Black Sea
A visit for tourists, but not ever for me
A city with long history intriguing
To research it all would be most fatiguing

Once head city of the Empire Byzantine
A grander city the world never had seen
Capital of the Roman Empire it later became
When ruled by the despot who gave it it's name

No longer Byzantine during the Constantine rule
No longer Constantinople, it became Istanbul
Who knows it's name or what the future holds
For this city of cities, as its future enfolds

by Stan Cooper...10/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 612 times
Written on 2007-04-30 at 22:18

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I love Istanbul, in spite of it all. I just read Orhan Pamuks book Istanbul, which I highly recommend.