This poem written by Gramps for granddaughter Lexi
to remind her of dear times long past

Mister Moon

The man on the moon, alone there in space
We see as a sunny reflection
His smile shows his mirth
To us here on earth
With his lunar facial expression

As he circles our globe at a dizzying pace
Controlling our tides and our waves
We wonder just how
That high jumping cow
Has managed to so misbehave

Mister Moon has a way of enticing romance
Along with those stars way above
Regardless of age
The Moon is the sage
At beguiling romantics in love

Shine on Mister Moon, in your way out expanse
We mortals on Earth need your light
Your shine's for us fateful
For your beacon we're grateful
You moonshine our earth every night

By Stan (Gramps) Cooper...4/16/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 711 times
Written on 2007-05-04 at 22:43

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