Mr. Weatherman, Please Tell Us Plainly
Mr. Weatherman, please tell us plainly
Will it be cloudy, sunny or rainy
There are so many things we don't need to know
Just tell us please if you know it will snow
Barometer settings don't help us a bit
So atmospherically, please try to cool it
We don't need to speculate on typhoons in China
Or other weatherly facts in Asia or minor
Don't show us weather maps of places way out
Since our main concern is the weather hereabout
Don't need to hear about the lows and the highs
Or what minute in the morn the sun will arise
Please don't involve us with all the specifics
Of the tides and the waves in the ocean Pacific
It's show biz to you, but please tell us plainly
Will today be cloudy, sunny or rainy
by Stan Cooper...5/2/07 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 701 times
Written on 2007-05-10 at 00:25