Poetic Stagnation

Audacious, Fallacious, Loquacious, Vivacious
Words with rhyming adherence
It seems I'm not poetically tenacious
To grant them a poem-ing appearance

This poetic block has me bogged down
I'm drowning in wordy frustration
Verbs and nouns haven't skipped town
But they've left me with poetic stagnation

Oh! How I'd love to regain that knack
Of writing with rhythmical pattern
To someday get back on my rhyming track
And forget my rhyme loss happened

By Stan Cooper...5/14/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 699 times
Written on 2007-05-20 at 02:02

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I can't see this stagnating for long if this is anything to go by stan.

my god! you have described my situation exactly! I just finished writing a short poem about how i've slowly begun to write again...I was such a prolific writer and now i can barely write a poem a day....its coming back though...and i can see from this wonderful piece that you really aren't in poetic stagnation! keep writing...you're really good!