Televangelist Jerry Falwell

In the year '07, on the 15th of May
Televangelist Jerry Falwell passed away
People considered to be well bred
Know it's poor taste to bash the dead

However I must be honest and candid
I can't think of anything good that man-did
Though I feel for his family who he held so dear
I'm unable to shed a politically correct tear

A constant consummate spinning machine
Spinning himself as Gods go-between
The rest of us, mere mortals, compared to Falwell
Who saw himself keeper of our country's morale

He'd have us believe he conversed with God
Doubters saw through this spiritual façade
What will he say when he's barred from heaven
For his bigoted evil reaction to nine-eleven

In '65 he said, " Preachers do not have a calling
To be politicians". An officious edict-most galling
His hypocritical turn-about in the year '76
"The Devils idea", he said, "religion and politics don't mix"

A theocratic puritanic takeover of our countrys power
His goal-to be leader-the man of the hour
For far right-wingers who could not with democracy blend
Falwell conceived The Moral Majority-the means to his end

Perhaps Falwell did not speak to God at all
Or Perhaps in Gods wisdom, God wasn't enthralled
Though I feel for his family who he held so dear
I'm unable to shed a politically correct tear

by Stan Cooper...5/16/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 681 times
Written on 2007-05-24 at 00:07

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