The Coronation of America's King George

The hell with our Constitution
He's made it all passé
Bush's arrogant resolution
Is to have things all his way

No need to confer with Congress
On things of great import
He's got it figured, more or less
How Congress to abort

The Peoples voice, he sets aside
As a voice that does not matter
Their plea for sanity, he can't abide
He believes it's idle chatter

He's no longer a President
He wears a monarch's crown
In his fantasy, as White House resident
He's the King of world renown

We can't recall his coronation
Or when Bush was so anointed
In his dream, to this great nation
George was royally appointed

About this Bushy lightweight
My reality conjecture
Proclaims his royal state
As royal clown court jester

by Stan Cooper...6/6/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 652 times
Written on 2007-06-15 at 15:41

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