stand by me

for days of days
as earth once parched
is soaked to the overwhelming
streams gorge themselves on banks
scarce strong enough enfeebled by
past drought and tumbling down the weir
breaks are stones too large to move except
at times as these when trees and reeds and
living things slip slide their ways to safety or
to rest amidst midsummer's flow I turn to watch
and see you go and pick a poppy red as yellow wagtails
sign assent to summer's last lament 'neath a boiling sky
set quiet and still as arching o'er the thundrous earth a
gentle rainbow is given birth from one quiet corner of the hill
and standing by the river still as rill on rill rolls by you ask me
if I were to die if I should long to be cast forth as ash on river
lough or breaking sea I bend to kiss your crying eyes and say just stand by me

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 839 times
Written on 2007-06-26 at 12:54

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Mark J. Wood
Words would spoil it, so I won't use any.

Rob Graber
What a heartbreaking text. Very very moving.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is wonderful Peter

Elle x