The Champion Of Misapprehension

Coulter's the surname of Ann
That female political con-man
She name-calls and labels
With her arrogant fables
All liberals whenever she can

As the poster girl of the far right
Abrasively curt and forthright
She cares not a whit
For most things legit
Fallaciously preaching with spite

She cares not at all who she hurts
Preying on victims with dirt
She perniciously digs up
Maliciously rigs up
Schemes for truth to subvert

Ann Coulter's laughing demeanor
Be-fits a laughing hyena
She's racist and doltish
Regressively cultish
With invective that couldn't be meaner

Progressive's a word she abhors
True facts she shunts and ignores
Hatred delights her
Ignites and excites her
Broad-minded-ness she simply deplores

Societies of worth-while dimension
Should not waste their worth-while attention
On this arrogant dame
Ann Coulter by name
The champion of misapprehension

by Stan Cooper...7/1/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 626 times
Written on 2007-07-04 at 23:02

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