He, She or It ?

Why do those of faith refer to God as "He"?
What makes them certain "He" ain't "She"?
In place of gender, why not "It"
Probably 'cause they don't feel "It' is" fit

Most of them would dismiss as rubbage
That man was made in a female image
And you know they wouldn't be enthralled
To accept it was "It" who made us all

Philosophically, then, what can they do
To ascertain what's truly true?
Should it be "He", "She" or "It" to whom they pray
Or will just plain "God" suffice to get them through each day

by Stan Cooper...7/04/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 741 times
Written on 2007-07-10 at 05:17

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
God is God, whatever the gender lol - I just like this poem, cos it makes me smile :)

Elle x