Our Borrowed English Language

Our language, borrowed from the British nation
Includes the use of verbal conjugation
But we find it detrimental
The Brits are so judgmental
Of our accent that they've labeled aberration

They snub their noses high at how we speak
But we don't give a damn for their critique
Our linguistical revision
Not deserving of derision
We've learned to calmly turn the other cheek

Another group with this awful lingo lack
Whose accents are way off the beaten track
Cause the British to be skittish
To them it sounds like Yiddish
They're the Australians way down in the far outback

The English, when they were imperialists
Spread their language 'round the world to colonists
So the fault is all their own
How we speak is not home-grown
And they think our perky speech is all amiss

They didn't export Shelley or their Keats
Or Shakespeare with his special writing feats
The least they could have brought us
Was their cockney, or have taught us
How to speak like all the Britisher elite

by Stan Cooper....7/06/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 699 times
Written on 2007-07-12 at 17:45

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
When I learnt to read and write English it was how the english write as in those days the text books were all written from the english side - but what the heck - we still can share a language despite dialectical differences and approach - english has one of the largest vocabularies and words than many other languages.

Elle x