Gobbledygook Legal Vernacular

Something for something is "quid pro quo"
I looked it up, that's how I know
It's a hell of a phrase, I think you'll agree
It's of interest to me, peculiarly

Expressed by attorneys is "Ip-so-facto"
Quaintly as strange as the "quid pro quo"
"By the fact itself" is what it portrays
When voiced by attorneys in their courtroom displays

Acknowledgment of a personal error or fault
Is "me-a cul-pa" in use by default
When voicing this gobbledygook legal vernacular
Lawyers impress laymen, by appearing spectacular

Phrases like these provoke my attention
They're foreign to our conversing convention
Lawyers should orate less cavalierly
Speak to the point simply and clearly

by Stan Cooper...7/7/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 703 times
Written on 2007-07-14 at 13:58

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I am guilty! Of reading this. :-)