
From the TV screen he shouts
This pushy huckster tout-man
"It's an inventory blowout
So get-em while you can"

It's a loud and brassy sales bazaar
Designed to get your bucks
When purchasing their touted cars
Or their heavy pick-up trucks

But these are not the only wares
Peddled on TV
By those manufacturing millionaires
Who offer little free

They have pills for all that ails you
Salves to clear your skin
Rouges for all that pales you
Diets to keep you thin

They always know just what you need
Be it freezer or a fridge
So listen, friends, you best take heed
Don't buy the Brooklyn Bridge

by Stan Cooper...7/25/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 623 times
Written on 2007-07-27 at 07:09

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
well writ , Stan , I like your stile. For simaler reasons I like Helen's. Use of American English , so while I read , I ''hear'' you both. Ads so much to the enjoyment. Whate the prise the man asking for the Broklen brige? . recon I coukld do a deil , throw in tower brige , in part excgange!.

All the best , Ken ( D Williams)