Pharmaceutical commercialsProduced for big bucks
By slick marketeers
Who prey on our fears
They hawk pills, lotions
Sundry potions
And other Fix-er-uppers
For dyspepsia after suppers
If your restless legs twitch
Or you have an itch
Their twitchy itchy pills
Will cure all those ills
But not if you're pregnant
Or have high or low blood pressure
Rhinitis, arthritis or any other itis
If you can't sleep at night
Or are stressed and uptight
And for ills--infinitum
Before ingesting this pill
To make sure it won't kill
Confer with your physician
If this pill you decide to ingest
Consult a Psychiatrist
by Stan Cooper...8/27/2007 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 673 times
Written on 2007-08-21 at 23:36

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