I used to cry about once every few months. Now I cry about twice a month. I hate it; I feel weak. Luckily, I'm out of my mother's custody or it might be once every few days. I haven't posted something in a long time =/

She's broken.

I'm broken now.
I leak.
These things you call eyes, they leak now
They didn't used to leak.
They used to stay dry.
It used to be that when I was upset, they were dry; now, the littlest thing could send them leaking.
Like a leaking cup, they are useless if they can't hold in the water.

I used to be so strong.
I used to think I was broken; depresssion was my disaster.
But no; now I am broken.
I leak.
And I don't know how to fix it.

Poetry by Marie
Read 1234 times
Written on 2007-08-25 at 06:20

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Kathy Lockhart
leaking is not always bad and crying can be replenishing. Leaking away of poisons and pain leaves our hearts and minds opened for replenishing.
Your poetry is a way of 'leaking' too. It allows for your heart's words to be expressed as you desire.
Take care dear one. Life offers all sorts of pain and pleasure. There is a season for them all. Keep writing and moving forward and you will find yourself growing stronger. ((Hugs)) to you.

Rob Graber
The clear, oft-repeated guiding metaphor makes this interesting, as does the refreshingly old-fashioned (?!) interpretation of crying as a sign of weakness...