
Rhymes have left my rhyme-less brain
Will not those rhymes return again?
I wonder where they wander to
When leaving me without a clue

Perhaps I've reached my rhyme plateau
Why they left I'll never know
I've tried in earnest with all my vigor
To seek and find a rhyming trigger

My rhyming ship has run aground
Rudderless, no rhyme around
I wonder why, without a trace
My rhymes left me for outer-space

A poet without a verse or rhyme
Is like a sleuth without a crime
Or a sailor without a ship to sail
Or a carpenter without a saw or nail

Now I'm at a total loss
No rhymes at all, my bear to cross
Rhymes have left my rhyme-less brain
Will not those rhymes return again?

by Stan Cooper...9/1/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 841 times
Written on 2007-09-03 at 15:49

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I'll organize a search party , bring your own bloodhound's , lets find Stans missing rhymes , lets go heather and differ , search up and down dale , high and low , to the left and to the right , got terr be hear , or their some wear , the search is on!!!!

A great write Stan the man.

Ken :)

...a rhyme enough to boggle the mind... put a smile on my face...