Why And Wherefore

** "Never-mind the why and wherefore"
Bush's logic I don't care for
He's logically quite doltish
I most humb-il-ly submit
His reasoning's Anne-Coult-ish
And not logically legit

Never-mind his high position
And his speeches repetition
Of his spinning of the facts
I most humb-il-ly- submit
His boo-boos in Iraq
Are not rationally legit

Never-mind his war on terror
That brought us to Iraq in error
With his "shock and awe"-ful force
I most humb-il-ly- submit
If we "stay" his reckless "course"
Like Bush, We'll prove arrogantly unfit

by Stan Cooper...9/3/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

**Line borrowed from Sir Gilbert

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 661 times
Written on 2007-09-08 at 11:49

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I must not forget , my contempt for Bush only matchde with my contempde for Cahaney , Blear , and Gordan Brown , Brown will carry on turning British lads and lasses in to Brown bread ( dead) , carying on Blears innobul akes , with the support of Roopert ( Murdock)


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Never let the truthafy , get in the way of a lieafy , profetafi , comes firstafi , no more prophetafiavl than warafi , Bushafi dus his biringafi to his backafis , spechessafis his spechafiers writeifiers , the peesenicks as onese they were calde , voises no longer listande to , those of a sertan age remember , the wars of post ww2 , marchde for ends of wars of to many to count , Bush were a meber of the no plane air scodran , protectedly the bars of Tex's , now sends now demands the young of the U S A , to insure that he and his cronis , can booz in safety , keeping the bars safe from W O M D.

A good write Stan old mate, I tryst yiu will forgive me for writeing out your insperastion to your work.

Ken ( D Wiliams )