Current Mood: :)
Current Music: "Everything You Want" - Vertical Horizon

NOTE: 2007 09 11 09H25 EST A Special Day - collaboration...

A Special Day (Co-Write Rik & Moods)

I'm a big boy now
Now that I'm six
I can eat a whole bowl of Rice Krispies
And do Ninja kicks,
I wear a Spiderman outfit because I think it's fun
And when mom says it's time for a shower,
You'll see how fast I can run.

I'm a big boy now
Now that I'm six
My big brother made me a Light Saber,
And let's me play with his Lego bricks.
I love dinosaurs whether big or small,
And have a real giggle when mom tries to name them
Because I can say them all.

I'm a big boy now
Now that I'm six
Mom says if I eat my string beans
I'll grow as big and tall as Nick.
I'm a bit worried though 'cause some teeth are loose
But mom says it's okay
The fairies give a Looney for every shiny tooth!

I'm a big boy now
Yes, it really is true
But I still like McDonald's and KFC, too
But mom screws her nose up 'cause it tastes just like ...
Oops. I can't say that word 'cause it's not very nice
So we'll just have to sit here
And eat Bazza's hot-dogs and cold rice.

And if you ask me if I want to be seven,
I'll say Never, because six is just heaven.
I can run around in pyjamas and tease mom all day
And when she shouts: "Jeremy, come here!"
This is what I always say:
I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.

Yeah, I'm a big boy now
And can you guess why?
'Cause today is my birthday!


Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 720 times
Written on 2007-09-11 at 15:56

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Zoya Zaidi
OooH! Jeremy must be so proud of this poem and his Mom!
(((Big Birthday Hug, dear Jeremy, from Zoya Aunty)))
I am sure Eric envies you today!
Big hugs to Mom and Rik too!
Well done you two!
Love, Zoya

Well done to Rik too. Glad to see he is still penning!lol I feel sure he had a big impact on the character of the child. Smiling at you, Tai

Six is the perfect age for the majority of kids fine moods, and this child's experiences are a joy to read, took me back to when my teenagers were that age, my own six's were spent learning about poetry from my grandmother and all the adventures that the world offered, if we found our desired way. I was a vertual mother at six and my grandmother introduced me back into the child's world of make believe and peter pan adventure but also gave me the glorious view of the adult arts world.

this all leads me to believe that a calm childhood and a balance of experiences makes for a happier and more fulfilled human being. Like your introduction states, Everything you want. Happy birthday to whoever that kid is.

Smiling at you


Kathy Lockhart
Six is a wonderful age. I loved being 6. This poem has put a smile on my face and a lilt in my heart. It is lovely. : )

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderful poem , writan with a good understanding of the days when we wish were older , then there comes the time we wish could turn the clock back , lol . Thank you both

Ken ( D Williams)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a lovely co-write for a certain 6 years olds birthday. I have to admit that 6 is a magical age for children. Still young enough to view the world through big shiny eyes, yet old enough to have a conversation with.

Elle x