St. Peter At The Golden Gate

St. Peter at the Golden Gate
Explained, for me it's much too late
That Heaven's gate, without a doubt
Was built right there to keep me out

It's common knowledge, I'm no Saint
But a real bad guy, I surely ain't
Heaven knows, I've done some wrong
But it doesn't mean I don't belong

I know I'm not the most devout
But pray, St. Peter, don't fence me out
I promise I won't cause chagrin
To those in Heaven, all fenced in

I'll run a casino for all to enjoy
I'll run it as pure as an altar boy
And dear St. Peter, I give you this pledge
At Heaven's casino, I'll give you an edge

So you see, St. Peter, Heaven can't wait
What's needed in Heaven, is me, your soul mate
Do what you can to unlock the key
So together we'll be, St. Peter and me...

by Stan Cooper...9/6/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 692 times
Written on 2007-09-11 at 18:53

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Stan one of your best , more pleaes ,
