Needless to say, but I'm saying it anyway,
this poem is not auto-biographical

Your Not Too Golden Age

When your skin is all-a-wrinklin
And your prostate's over tink-lin
Over-tired and feeling you've decayed

When all ladies look like kids to you
When the present seems like deja vu
You know you're over eighty in the shade

When your tummy's over growling
With persona over scowling
When you think the dance, The Charleston's all the rage

For you the world's too digital
Most kids, to you, too fidget-al
You know you've reached your not too golden age

by Stan Cooper...9/12/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 665 times
Written on 2007-09-17 at 18:03

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When your laghter lines show , think of all the jokes you'v listan to , all the jokes you told , think of the kids , all inasant of of life , , in to much of a hurry to to be older , digertal , life , a sighe of the inreseing complexaty of eavrey day life , of the the shor comeings of the rag traide , takeing no acount of the older fuller man and woman , know that many a good tune payde on an older fiddle. :)

A good one , Stan , old friend , Ken