Bugs has changed his tune

Hope you have fun with this one
It sure was fun to write !!!! LOL

10 Paces

That's it
I'm tired of
being shot at
I've got a gat
now so I'm shooting

Elmer's punk a$$ can
come with that BS it's
Rabit season
I've got a heater now
so now all I need's a reason

See Mom's didn't raise me
to be no Peter Cottontail
So if you fire on me
I'm sending them back
like Self addressed stamped
envelope like US mail

See Elmer been shooting at
me for years and I've cut
him a break cause he's stupid
but this time I'm firing back and
I've got aim like Romeo & Juliet
got shot by Cupid

When I shoot everything is fair
games limb's torsos, backs and faces
this year's not going to be Rabit seasons
it's going to be Bugs and Elmer 10 Paces

Poetry by Will
Read 734 times
Written on 2007-09-19 at 00:16

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now thats what I've been waiting for nice playful read of the pictures I gave you thank you much my love ;D keep flowing and I'll keep enjoying