The Shape of Things

The shape of eggs, elliptical
Considered more aspherical
Has me quite astounded
That nature formed them almost rounded

She never gave it thought
She was rounding eggs for naught
It was nature's losing gamble
'Cause many eggs...end up scrambled

But most of her other shape decisions
Have no need for shape revisions
Like the shaping of a flower's petal
Nature rates a prized gold medal

So over-all, she so perfect-ly
Shaped our world so natural-ly
Eggs, her one exception
Ovule-ey scrambled to perfection

by Stan Cooper...9/17/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 657 times
Written on 2007-09-22 at 20:37

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Like the nice tone in your poems and the comics to go with them ...thank's Katherine

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Orange marmalade made from orange peel , truly a limy treat on toast for breakfast , apple juice to wash it down no finer way to start your day.

thanks Stan , for such a good poem , all the best , Ken