Don the Carnalist

My good friend Don is truly a fine artist
As most of you who read my poems do know
But more than artist, he's assuredly a carnalist
As his nudist oils so beautifully show

With this canvass view-a prime example
Of his tryst that will help you to conclude
It's one of Don's oil artistic samples
Of how he handles models when they're nude

Notice how is eyes belie his innocence
As he gazes impishly at nature's beauty
But I see his signs of false pretenses
That he's brushing her "just in the line of duty"

So, carry on, friend Don, with happy staring
I'm sure it will soothe you in your dreams
Keep painting all your models in their baring
Just be careful not to bare them in extremes

by Stan Cooper graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 736 times
Written on 2007-09-25 at 06:55

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A great tribute to your freind and fellow artist. As you both defernetly are artist one in words the other with oils.
Wishing both all the best, Ken (D Williams)