Just my Opinion on some of my favorite writers to read

Once again my favorite writers on the BAY

your poetic expressions
of Love
when I think great love poems
you're most who I think of

Your ability to write
realism from the head
and heart
In my opinion that's what
draws me to your pieces
and sets you apart

You've always been able
to with your writes to my
me stop and think about this
then Wow that was deep
but we don't see you enuff
anymore and you're in
my opinion sorely missed

Amanda K
I've been reading your
works for as long as I've been at
the Bay so I also enjoy you
Although I may not comment on
all I've enjoy them please know
that I do

Kathy I've said everything there is
to say about how I enjoy your works
so let me think what in the world else
There's nothing left Kathy you really
are on another level and in a class
by yourself

My Wife when it comes to her
writings when she wants to
drudge up the past I let her
because when it comes to
metaphors and dark writings
I don't think I've seen anyone
express or do it better.....

These are some of my favorite writers
that I wanted to show my admiration
and respect
I like a lot of poems and their authors
but these are my favorites and
in my opinion who I consider the best


Poetry by Will
Read 1472 times
Written on 2007-09-25 at 19:20

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Kathy Lockhart
Will, you have such a kind and giving heart. Thank you so much for this gift of recognition of my writings and for the acknowledgement of all the other fine writers you have listed as your favorites. I feel blessed to be counted as one of your favorite writers along with these fine poets. You gave me a smile, a light heart, and a little blush across my cheeks. Thanks so much Will. Your talent goes beyond your fine and unique writing to the talent of making people feel good about themselves. To me, that's one of the most important talents of all. Thanks a million times over. This goes in my favs.
Kathy : )

Oh....wow! Now I am speech-less. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be bookmarked as a fav of course. :)

Amanda K
MY God!!!!!! Thank you Will, fel glad not only for myself but also for the rest and what you wrote about wee2 it's true 100%.