Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely,
most assuredly, intentional

Puddinhead Bush

Perched atop his throne in D.C.
He believes he's our High Holy See
As our arrogant "Decider"
More our arrogant divider
Divisive to an intolerable degree

He rules with his powerful veto
Much like Kruschev or powerful Tito
He functions wildly amok
As our lame-brain, lame duck
While eschewing our historical credo

He can't seem to ever partake in
Admitting he's ever mistaken
His view of reality
Has no actuality
In his judgment he's always unshaken

His crony political appointments
Are royal political anointments
Rubber stamping cronies
Hypocritical phonies
Inevitably great disappointments

Our First Lady Laura...Librarian
Loyal to him, non-contrarian
Conflicting opinion
Is not her dominion
To her husband she's always sectarian

Since our inept King Dubbyah's coronation
Dark clouds hover in threatening formation
His reign bombards us with showers
Of his contemptuous powers
Drowning our free loving nation

by Stan Cooper...9/25/07 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 745 times
Written on 2007-09-28 at 22:14

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A great write , Stan, with equilerly good grafickes from Don. Tho , I must take idhue with Tito , being lumpde with those others. Tito made sure that what happonde after he died , never happonde while he was a life. Mind , he did not insure that thesar was a tidy hand over for when he died. Tito was a very strong leader. Held the fackstions from geting at each other's throats. The Yugklerslaves had freedom to work out of thesr countrey and go back and forth. So not as held down as they were in the Soviet union. I felt that had to be saide, thank you , Stan.

All the best Stan old freind, Ken