In Spite Of Bush

Bush speaks of reality with little relevance
His saying nothing, he says with eloquence
I wonder why he's so confuses
Our English language, he so abuses

Our reputation, once great and grand
Has been squandered with Bush in command
Throughout the world, we've lost respect
With other nations we must re-connect

The way Bush spins, is most alarming
He gives us grins he thinks are charming
His spinning ways have won elections
His warring ways deserve rejection

Beware old spinner, times running out
In a short while, you'll lose your clout
Pride in our nation, we will revive
In spite of you, Bush, we will survive

by Stan Cooper...9/30/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 633 times
Written on 2007-10-05 at 22:12

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
All spining tops & plaites run down , more ''he'' '' they'' , find thery have to spint more tops & plaites , then , time time rus them all down , then , wobule , wobule , lean , lifeles , to one side , plaits crash , & breake.

Well writan , & great art , Don , & thanks for reason to say my thorts.

Ken D Williams