Before Computers, we dinosaurs
With no e-bay, we shopped in stores

We often sat around and talked
We even walked romantic walks

To find solutions, we used our noodle
But now to solve, we keyboard Google

Yahoo then, a rousing cheer
Yahoo now, a browsing sphere

We opened windows to get fresh air
Now they're opened as file software

Hard and soft discs, we did without
Now to these discs, we're too devout

The webs back then, formed by spiders
Now they're Internet providers

We dinosaurs, no longer "in"
It somehow seems, we've never been

by Stan Cooper...10/11/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 618 times
Written on 2007-10-14 at 03:47

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A great poem , Stan & Don , well observed , but on the whole I'd never have the operchonaty to expres my self , or the make the freinds that I have , you blokes for exsampole , :)

All the best , to you , Ken ( D Williams )