In memory of Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley (1945-1981), singer/songwriter, vegetarian, pacifist, campaigner, faithful Rastafari.

no, woman, nuh cry

I heard
walking across
Hungerford Bridge
it sounded
just like
the redemption man
but it
could not be


as if
in the Lyceum
the song
called out
three decades
since in Babylon

below the white cabled bridge
the Thames surged
full Autumn high
tide turning
boats struggling

no, woman, nuh cry

leaning together
they stand

is it the memories
her present
their future

the music
only drowned
by the
rittle rattling trains

no, woman, nuh cry
no sorrow
no sigh

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 996 times
Written on 2007-10-17 at 12:37

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Christin Brennan
Great write. I was questionable about the short line structures, but you pulled it off beautifully, rhythmatically well!

Rob Graber
I like this, and I'm not even a fan...