The True Essence Of Liberal

Our historical liberal norm
Aspires to progressive reform
Ardently against dictatorial dominance
With allegiance to free thinking prominence

Concerned awareness and oversights
Protects all of our civil rights
Intrusive orthodoxy all around
Liberals reject as wholly unsound

So, damn it some will, to further their goals
To gain more power in political roles
Liberals stand up to reactionary witchery
To end this propagandized brain-washing bitch-ery

The word liberal holds true to its noble meaning
Why is it tagged with labels demeaning?
Those who have placed it in full disrepute
Find liberal thought hard to fairly refute

To defile liberal as a four-letter word
Is a put-down, blatantly false and absurd
Our country, founded by heroes upright
For freedom of thought, with liberal foresight

by Stan Cooper...10/12/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 603 times
Written on 2007-10-21 at 16:10

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I am reminded by this poem , Stan & Don. May years ago thear was a by elexstion in plase in London , callde Bermansey. A plase well knowen for it's independant frame of mind ewhen it came to voteing. Well the then trdashasnal Laburer Party , had seleckted a openly gay casmderdaite. Nouthing wrong with that I hear you saying. Well the Libral Demarats , went all out to make him look bad . Nedles to say the libral demarats won the seat. To win the local coucil of Brick Lane , London . So hit the rasest buton , stop migrants from Bagkerdasg /Inda/Pakistan, from getimg houseing. I use those 2 exsampoles asthey are '' local librsl'' polerseys. Libals are rageing phobicks when they need to be.

Well dun , Stan & Don Ken D Williams

Liberal, is a good word and it holds a beautiful meaining when it is used as it should ....

best wishes katherine