Don's 'toon captioned as "Cat Man & Robin"

The Second Coming Of Sampson And Delilah

I never believed in reincarnation
It seemed too far-out to me
People in fear of their lives termination
Invented this life guarantee

But something's occurred, to make me rethink
Perhaps I've been wrong all these years
Could it be, my think's out of sync
That might be the case, it appears

Sampson and Delilah returned from the past
But with differences really quite sizable
Their torrid affair, we know didn't last
Reincarnated, they're unrecognizable

They could have come back as Mrs. and Mr.
But, no, they didn't do that
They're now in my home as brother and sister
Reincarnated as cats

Sampson's the strong one, retaining his hair
Enticing Delilah, the cats meow
I contemplatively hereby declare
Reincarnation I must now avow

by Stan Cooper...10/20/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 615 times
Written on 2007-10-24 at 17:37

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Kathy Lockhart
i like this. It made me smile. : )

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Greatly enjoyed , Stan and Don. If thear is such a thing as reincanastion , I keep comeing back as ME!!!!!. Now to came back as a cat , now that at first a good thing. Till I found out about '' spaiding'' and what not. Now I'd by choyse rather be reincarnaited as a morgy and live on the Svana in Africa. With all my ''bits '' intackde , :)

Ken ( D Williams )