"Heavens to Betsy"

"Heavens to Betsy", has prompted this question
What about Betsy caused this expression?
How did she rate this "promised-land" present?
This gift from the Gods so heavenly pleasant

The Gods didn't choose Renee, Helen or Mary
Nor did they choose Jeannie, Ellen or Carey.
Could the roll of the dice of seven elevens
Be what gave Betsy the gift of the heavens?

Seven elevens, not lucky for most
Causes most gamblers to end up as toast
But some way or other, not clear to us mortals
Dice rolling Betsy streaked through those heavenly portals

By Stan Cooper...10/30/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 632 times
Written on 2007-11-03 at 20:07

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Hm , mescatchs me noggin , could this be daited to the days , the Tuder navy , and good queen Bess , and her navey of Drake & co , play dice below decks , whiling the time gamberling a way the time ?

A great write with great art as always Stan & Don ,

Ken ( D WIlliams ) :)

Zoya Zaidi
Hi Stan, This is brilliant!