Dots Dashes Dits and Dahs

Dots, Dashes, Dits and Dahs
Have long past their last Hurrahs
The code, created by Mr. Morse
We radio ops used in The U.S. Air Force

Dots and dashes are how they're described
But dits and dahs to our ears they were vibed
The Dots, heard as dits, the das were the dashes
When fast coded together, we heard lightning like flashes

Dit dit dit dah, the Morse for V
Our wartime symbol for Victory
Dit dit dit dah gave us a lift
When grandiosely heard in Beethoven's Fifth

As time passes on, there's no longer the need
With great tech advance, we must now concede
We old-timers who signaled in Morse
Appear to the youngsters as old dinosaurs

by Stan Cooper...11/2/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 647 times
Written on 2007-11-07 at 17:07

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Rob Graber
A pleasure not only to read, but to reflect on as well...

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well writan , emagen the confustion if i were let lose , coulkd have ended the war all the sooner , or exstended it , as I'd have confoust 1 & all., emagen the Jerys , Nips , Ities Limeys , & yankes radeo operaites needing deep thairophey , trying to work out the dasterly dyslexic let loose upon the keys :).

Thanks Stan and yiur buddys , for all you did , inabuld me & countles others all over the world to think freely , expres freely , thasnk you all very much :) ((((((HUGS))))
Ken ( D Williams)