There's Something About

There's something about a female
That brings out the best in me
She's more exciting than e-mail
Though e-mails come to me free

There's something about her walk
Her wiggle, her waggle, her gait
The way her lips move when she talks
She hooks me with that kind of bait

There's something about her hair
Whether it's brown, yellow or red
The way she wears it with flair
On her seductive beautiful head

There's something about me, I reckon
That keeps me looking her way
But yet if she flirtingly beckoned
This old guy might faint dead away

by Stan Cooper...11/10/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 624 times
Written on 2007-11-16 at 13:52

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
'Tis a womans beauty , that a woman can radiate seduction's , with no intent , that keeps this man cling to a part of him self , a fier of youth , still a glowing , wishfully , wishing , holding on to a part of him self , keep it young, And Stan , a womans hands can have the steam erupting from my ears like the wolf in the old cartoons , '' yuber yuber '' , oh the beauty , the yes the inacentce the puraty sexuality's of human kind.

Ken ( D Williams )