The Best Way I Have Figured Out

To stay away from doctors, a goal well worth my strive
Is the best way, I have figured out, to keep myself alive

To keep away from lawyers with all their legal fees
Is the best way, I have figured out, to avoid all bankruptcies

To keep away from scammers, and all their scamming plots
Is the best way, I have figured out, not to give them what I've got

To keep away from trouble, with all its' troubling things
Is the best way, I have figured out, to avoid what trouble brings

To keep away from worldly matters, that might bring about my doom
The best way, I have figured out, is to stay locked in my room

by Stan Cooper...11/12/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 746 times
Written on 2007-11-21 at 03:17

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You certanly figured out to leave a smile on my face......

Blessed be, both writer and painter

Namaste Adeleine

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh to live upon a planet millions of milles from layers , Dr's , call centers , commercials , government agencies , David Beckom , and his takentles Mrs , free from the hype of sport England's chances in the footy , oh I can dream cant I?
Chears Stan & Don superb work as usual , all the best ,Ken