Illegal Immigration...The Original

They came to our shores, crossed most of our borders
Illegally, immorally bearing hate and disorder

They were not at all like us, not of our ethnic
From our standpoint, they were coarse and pathetic

Clothes they wore were foreign and strange
Color of skin quite out of our range

Too many to count, as they pillaged and plundered
We refused to believe our days were then numbered

They aspired, conspired to take over our land
Our weak opposition just abetted their plan

They ended their prayers with pious "Amens"
Not caring a whit for our Gods they condemned

In spite of their "Amens", they brutally ravaged
Our lands and our women they labeled as savage

Too late for Immigration Reform that was needed
We Apache, and the rest of the tribes, they defeated

by Stan Cooper...11/12/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 650 times
Written on 2007-11-21 at 19:54

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
That happonde in Melayser in the 1950's. So in my life time.

Ken D Williams

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The British did not beleve the naitives when they told them how many they had killd as merserys fore the British army. During the war fore independence in Melaysier. They cut the heads of thiose killd or wounded. Took them back in sakes to be identified. I have seean privet photos of this taken by British solders who were thear and removed the heads.

Ken D Williams

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A great pease of work , Stan and Don. It were ''them'', who keepde count of how many they killde of the indogence population , with scailping so know how many ''they, had killed , 6 millon in total wiped out , cost 350 U S cavery , during the Indan wars. Sad I am mebers of D N A , name os Southworth ( all Southworts are relaited I rather my Williams ancestry) may of been involved. I cant say for sure. In a god they belevde giveing it plenty of Amen's . As '' they'' that came from these's shurrs , not a U S , crime , but a crime of '' the old' world .,comited in the ''new'' world.
As I read my eyes weld up with tears. Thank you Stan and Don , as youboth know me by now. I type my reacquisition to a work that gets me to thinking. So what you read is my thorts , I thank you both very much.

Ken D Williams